Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Good Bye Party Experiments
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Oscilaciones con una vela (Oscillations with a candle)
Materials, we need a candle and a metal stick.
En primer lugar, retiramos un poco de cera de la base de la vela para poder encenderla por los dos extremos. Luego determinamos el centro de gravedad de la vela, el centro geométrico, con ayuda de un metro y clavamos la varilla metálica en ese punto, calentando la varilla resulta más fácil introducirla.
At first time, we removed a bit of warx of the candle base to be able to ignite it for both ends. Then we determinate the gravit centre of the candel with help as ruler and fix the metal stick in this point. Warning the stick it will turn out easier to introduce it in the candle.
Si apoyamos los extremos de la varilla en dos mesas podemos ver que la vela queda en equilibrio en posición horizontal.
If we support the end of the stick in two tables, we can see the candle stay in balance in horizontal position.
Si prendemos ahora uno de los extremos de la vela la cera se derretirá y perderá un poco de masa, lo que supondrá, que la vela pierda equilibrio y se incline hacia el otro extremo. Si encendemos el otro extremo se derretirá la cera en ambos lados por lo que el equilibrio se perderá a medida que se derrite la cera ocasionando una oscilación muy grande.
If we light now one of the ends of the candles the wax it will meelt and lose a few mass which it will suppose that the candles loses the balance an two another ends.
Syringe and Balloon (Jeringa y globo)
Para realizar nuestro experimento necesitamos una jeringa grande, un par de tuercas, unos globos pequeños y agua.
First we filled the balloon, he tied a pair of nuts and get into the syringe full of water. The nuts allow the balloon afloat
En primer lugar llenamos el globo de aire, le atamos un par de tuercas y lo metemos en la jeringa llena de agua. Las tuercas permiten que el globo no flote.
If we place the plunger of the syringe and pushed a bit we can see that the balloon shrinks. If then up a little globe piston returns to its original size
Si colocamos el émbolo de la jeringa y presionamos un poco podemos ver que el globo reduce su tamaño. Si luego subimos un poco el émbolo el globo recupera su tamaño original.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wave generation machine
The materials we need are:
1-A rubber band about three meters long.
2- Wooden sticks for example barbecue skewers.
1. We introduced the sticks into the rubber band.
2. When the sticks are introduced we put the rubber band and stretch without tension
3. By twisting one of the sticks at the ends of the elastic band, motion is generated and it is transmitted trought out the rubber.
While moving from the its equilibrium position one of the sticks, a disturbance is generated that is transmitted by the elastic band to the neighboring sticks. This perturbation is a traveling wave.
We can see that when the disturbance reaches the other end of the rubber band, then the phenomenon of the wave reflection happens and the wave returns along the same path.
Nuestro experimento se llama máquina de ondas.
Los materiales que necesitamos son:
1. Una goma elástica de tres metros aproximadamente.
2. Palitos de madera por ejemplo palitos de barbacoa.
1. Introducimos los palitos en la goma elástica.
2. Cuando están introducidos los palitos levantamos la goma elástica y estiramos sin que la tensión sea muy grande.
3. Al torcer uno de los palitos de los extremos de la goma elástica se genera un movimiento que se transmite por toda la goma
Al desplazar de su posición de equilibrio uno de los palitos se genera una perturbación que se transmite por la goma elástica a los palitos vecinos. Esa perturbación viajera constituye una onda.
Podemos observar que cuando la perturbación alcanza el otro extremo de la goma elástica se produce el fenómeno de la reflexión y la onda regresa por el mismo camino.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
An eddy in a bottle/ Tourbillon dans une bouteille
1. Two plastic bottles with water
2. Insulating tape
One of the bottles has to be empty, and the other bottle must be full a little more than a half. Then you have to make a hole of about one centimetre in the top of each bottle. You put the bottle with water on the table, and you put the bottle without water over the other bottle. Then, you have to join the bottles with insulating tape. When you have assembled the experiment, you can do it.
1º: We have to check that water can't leak out, so it's important to know that it's well locked.
2º: When we turn the bottles, we can see that water can't fall easily between them, so we have to make a circular movement to make the eddy appear inside the bottles, so that the water can fall easier inside the empty bottle.
The explanation of how the water can't fall easily, is because the compressibility of air is locked up in the bottle without water. When you move the bottle with water, the air of both bottles takes contact, due to the water in movement. And it lets the water pass.
Tourbillon dans une bouteille
1.- deux bouteilles d’eau (à moitié pleine)
2.- Ruban isolant.
On vide une bouteille d’eau, et l’autre on la remplie à moitié. On fait a chaque bouchon un trou d’un centimètre plus ou moins. On posse la bouteille plein d’eau sur une table, et l’autre, vide, on la met au contraire, bouchon avec bouchon collées avec un ruban isolant. Une fois unis, commence l’expérience :
1º Nous devions nous assurer que l’eau ne sort pas aucune part, il faut s’assurer qu’elles sont bien fermés.
2º On peut vérifier que l’eau ne passé pas facilement par le trou, on doit sacuer les deux bouteilles en circule pour que le tourbillon commence dans la bouteille et l’eau coule à la bouteille qui reste vide
3º On doit laisser travailler le tourbillon et qu’elle vide la bouteille pleine
L’explication: l’air compris d’ans les bouteilles ne laissent pas de l’espace pour que l’eau coule. Quand la bouteille supérieure bouge, par le mouvement de l’eau, l’air des deux bouteilles entrent en contact et elles empêchent de passer l’eau.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ballons' Race (Course de Ballons.)
To make our experiments we need:
- a balloon
- insulating tape
- thread
- a straw
1. We cut several meters of thread.
2. Then, we cross the thread from the straw and we tie the extremes of the thread so it gets horizontal position.
3. Afterwards, we blow up the balloon an stick it to the straw, using insulating tape
4. We let the balloon go off the hand allowing the air to escape
The Law of Reciprocal Actions explains the balloon´s movement. The air tath escapes from the balloon with great speed pushes the balloon in the opposite direction.
Notre expérience s'appelle Course de Ballons.
Pour faire cette expériences nous avons besoin de:
- un ballon
- gaine isolante
- une bobine
- une paille
1. On coupe un morceau de fil de plusiers mètres.
2. On passe le fil par l'intérieur de la paille et on lie bouts pour que la paille reste horizontale.
3. On remplit le ballon et on le colle à la paille zvec la gaine isolante.
4. On lâche le ballon, comme ça l'air sort.
Le principe d'action-réaction explique le movement du ballon. L'air qui sort du ballon avec une grande vitesse pousse le ballon vers le sens opposé.
Tantalus´s glass (El vaso de Tántalo)
Los materiales que nosotros necesitamos para hacer este experimento son: un vaso de plástico, un tubo de goma, agua, un recipiente y un poco de pegamento.
Se hace un pequeño agujero en el vaso de plástico y hacemos pasar el tubo de goma por el agujero usando pegamento para fijarlo.
Se dobla el tubo en el interior de manera que forma 2 ramas una corta en el interior y otra larga en el exterior.
Podemos comprobar que el agua no sale del vaso hasta que el nivel de agua no supera el tubo de goma, esto se debe a que el vaso de Tántalo es un sifón.
Cuando el agua llega a la parte superior del tubo de goma comienza a caer por la rama larga arrastrando el líquido que hay dentro del tubo de goma.
This experiment is called Tantalus´s glass
The materials that we need to make this experiment are a plastic cup, a rubber tube, water, a container and some glue.
We make a little hole in the plastic cup and we pass the rubber tube through the hole. We use some glue to fix the rubber tube in the plastic cup.
It is bent inside the tube so that it forms two branches: a short branch on the inside and another long branch outside the plastic cup.
We can check that the water doesn’t come out of the plastic cup, until the water’s level doesn’t overcome the rubber tube, because the Tantalus´s glass is a siphon.
When the water reaches the top of the rubber tube, it begins to bend on the long branch dragging the liquid that is inside the rubber tube.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
A Candle
To our experiment we need a candle, a funnel and match.
When you blow next to a candle flame you create a stream of air. The air pressure outside the stream is bigger than the pressure inside. The pressure difference causes movement of the outer layers towards the interior of the air stream. Candle flame bends indicating the direction of the created air movement.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Thanks Czech Republic
Thanks for the sweets and candies.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Coke and mentos
We are going to make an experiment.It Coke and Mentos.
To make our experiment we are going to need: diet coke, salt, sugar, a glass and mentos.
In first place, we fill half of a glass with diet coke and then drop a few Mentos.
We can see that the coke´s fizz goes out.
If we repeat the same experiment with salt, sugar or sand, we´ll get the same results.
The chew of mentos help to separate the carbon dioxide molecules vof the Coke. Proper size bubbles are needed to get the fizz goes out
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A lombard, a natural indicator.
by María and Carmen Lucía
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Homemade fire extinguer (un extintor casero)
-Bicarbonato de sodio.
-Un vaso.
-Una vela.
1.Coloca en un vaso un poco de vinagre (tres o cuatro centímetros).
2.Añade un poco de bicarbonato de sodio. Se desprenden muchas burbujas.
3.Si metemos una cerilla encendida en el vaso se apagará al instante.
4.Si inclinamos el vaso sobre una vela, sin derramar el vinagre, veremos que la vela se apaga.
La reacción química entre el bicarbonato de sodio y el ácido del vinagre produce un gas llamado dióxido de carbono. Este gas es más pesado que el aire por lo que permanece en el vaso desplazando el aire contenido en el vaso.
Al meter la cerilla en el vaso se apaga por falta de oxígeno (necesario para la combustión). Cuando inclinamos el vaso sobre la vela esta se apaga porque el dióxido de carbono, al caer sobre la vela, desplaza el oxígeno que mantiene la combustión.
-Bicarbonate of sodium.
-A glass
-A candle.
1.Put in a glass a little of vinegar (three or four centimetres).
2.Add some bicarbonate of sodium.
3.If we put a lighted match in the cup it will go off instantly.
4.If we lean the glass over a candle, without spilling vinegar, we see that the candle goes out.
The chemical reaction between bicarbonate of sodium and vinegar acid produces a gas called carbon dioxide. This gas is heavier than air so it remains in the glass by moving the air in the glass.
Putting the match en the cup is turned off by the lack of oxygen (necessary for combustion). When you lean the glass over the candle goes out because of the carbon dioxide, falling on the candle, moving the oxygen that supports combustion.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Against gravity
To experiment we used lane and double cone.
First we measure the lane. Leftside has 4 centimeters and rightside has 6 centimeters.
We want to show you that the block can roll uphill.
It seems that the double cone moves uphill (against gravity) but in reality it moves accordingly to rules of physics. Because lanes are spread the center of weigt is shifted down during the rolling.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Una pelota que levita (The ball that levitates)
We are going to make an experiment, the name of our experiment is the ball that levitates.
Para realizar nuestro experimento necesitamos una pelotita ligera y un secador de pelo.
Si encendemos el secador y dejamos la pelotita en la parte central de la corriente de aire vemos que permanece en reposo sin caer pero girando sobre si misma.
If we light up the hairdryer and put the ball at the center of the air draft, we see that it remains and doesn't fell bur turning like a twister.
Podemos comprobar que al inclinar un poco el secador la pelotita no cae y que si acercamos el secador con la bolita a una pared la pelotita ascenderá.
We can see that when we tilt the hairdryer, the ball doesn't fall and when we put the hairdryer near a wall, the ball ascends.
La explicación parece muy simple. La corriente de aire ascendente que sale del secador genera una presión y una fuerza que compensa el peso de la bolita. Esto permite que la bolita quede flotando en el aire.
The explanation seems very simple. The air ascending draft of the hairdryer produces a pressure and a strength that compensates the weight of the ball and it permits that the ball keeps floating in the air.
¿Por qué permanece la bolita atrapada en el centro de la corriente de aire sin salirse?
But why the ball keep trapped at the center of the air draft and doesn´t leave?
Hay dos explicaciones para nuestro experimento pero nosotras pensamos que esta es mejor que la otra.
There are two explanations for our experiment but we think it ir better that the other.
La velocidad del aire que sale del secador es mayor en la parte central y menor en los bordes. Fuera la corriente de aire está en reposo.
The speed of the air that goes out from hairdryer is bigger in the central part and smaller at the edges. Outside the air draft, the ball is resting.
Regiones donde el aire se mueve con mayor velocidad tienen menor presión que regiones donde el aire tiene menor velocidad (Principio de Bernoulli).
Regions where the air moves with more speed are of light pressure than regions where the air moves with a slow speed(Bernulli's principle).
Cuando la pelotita se desplaza ligeramente de la parte central de la corriente se genera una fuerza de presión y una fuerza neta que empuja la pelotita de regreso al centro de la corriente.
When the ball goes slightly to the central part of the air draft, generates diferent pressures and a net strenght that pushes the ball to the draft.
Además, la diferencia de presión hace que gire la pelotita.
However, the different pressures make the ball turns like a twister.
By Susana and Cristina
Flotar o no flotar
Un vaso de cristal
Trozos de corcho blanco
En primer lugar llenamos un tercio del vaso con agua y luego añadimos el aceite.
Luego se añade el alcohol con cuidado para que no se mezcle con el agua.
Vemos que el alcohol flota sobre el aceite.
Tenemos en el vaso tres líquidos sin mezclarse. El agua y el alcohol se mezclan pero el aceite impide que entren en contacto.
Clavamos unas bolitas de corcho de diferente tamaño en cada clavo. Cuando estén listos los dejamos caer en el vaso.
Algunos clavos se hunden hasta el fondo del vaso, otros se quedan flotando en la superficie del alcohol y otros se quedan flotando sobre el agua o sobre el aceite.
El agua es más densa que el aceite y éste más denso que al alcohol. Por eso el aceite flota sobre el agua y el alcohol sobre el aceite.
Un clavo se hunde en el vaso al ser más denso y una bolita de corcho flota sobre el alcohol al ser menos densa.
Logramos densidades intermedias y por esto algunos clavos se quedan flotando sobre el agua y otros sobre el aceite.
Matériaux :
Un verre
Boules de Cork blanc
Tout d'abord on remplit un tiers du verre avec l’eau, puis on ajoute l’huile.
Vous ajoutez ensuite l’alcool avec soin afin de ne pas le mélanger avec l’eau. Nous voyons que l’alcool flotte sur l’huile.
Nous clavons quelques balles de tailles différentes dans chacun des dous du Cork. Apres nous les plaçons dans le verre.
Certains clous coulent vers le bas du verre d’autres flottent a la surface de l’alcool et d’autres flottent sur l’eau ou l’huile.
L’eau est plus dense que l’huile et l’huile est plus dense que l’alcool. Pour cela l’huile flotte sur l’eau et l’alcool sur l’huile.
Un clou s’enfonce dans le verre parce qu’il est plus dense et une boule de liège flotte sur l’alcool parce qu’elle est moins dense.
Nous avons obtenu des densités intermédiaires el pour cela certains dous flottent sur l’eau et d’autres sur le huile.
Paula Mar y Carlos
Invisible hand
by María and Lola
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
5th Birthday of eTwinning
As we can see, students had lots of fun
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
A etwinning tile
The "etwinning tile" will stay in my school as a reminder of a very special year for us all.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The april fair
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Up or down?
Two boxes
Two sticks
Two funnels
A sticky
A cardboard cylinder
To make or experiments, we need to prepare a pair of sticks tilts with two boxes.
Then we fix two funnels with a sticky, to make our double funnel.
If we drop a cardboard cylinder in the sticks, we can see that it goes down because of the action of gravity. However, if we drop our double funnel in the sticks, we can see it goes up.
If we pay attention, in the upper part of the tiet sticks, it increases the separation of the sticks and it makes that when the funnels roll up, its center of gravity (that coincides with the geometric center) goes down.
So the funnel, the same as the cardboard cylinder, goes down because of the action of gravity.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Equilibrio con dos tenedores, un palillo y fuego.
Il equilibrio tra due forchette, un stuzzicadenti e il fuoco
Para realizar nuestro experimento necesitamos un par de tenedores, un palillo, un vaso y unas cerillas.
Per fare il nostro esperimento abbiamo due forchette, un stuzzicadenti, un bicchiere e cerini

Entrelazamos los dos tenedores con el palillo y dejamos el conjunto en equilibrio en el borde de un vaso. El equilibrio se logra al estar el centro de gravedad del conjunto por debajo del punto de apoyo.
Facciamo una cruce tra le due forchette e il stuzzicadenti e dopo lasciamo tutto en equilibrio nel bordo del bicchiere. Riusciamo il equilibrio per essere il centro di gravità di tutto sotto il punto de appoggio.
¿Qué sucede si quemamos el extremo del palillo que está dentro del vaso?
Cosa succede si cominciamo a bruciane il stuzzicadenti che si trova nel bichiere?
Una parte del palillo se quema pero la llama se apaga al llegar al borde del vaso y se mantiene el equilibrio de los tenedores.
La chiama comincia a passare per il stuzzicadenti, ma da subito si spegne quando arriva al bordo del bichiere e tutto se trova ancora in equilibrio.
La pérdida de masa del palillo que se quema no afecta significativamente al centro de gravedad que continúa por debajo del punto de apoyo.
In fatti, avere perso la massa del stuzzicadenti non è neccesario per rimanere le forchette e il stuzzicadenti nel equilibrio perchè il centro di gravità è sotto il punto di apoggio.
Reyes, Julia y Teresa
Thanks Czech Republic
Thank you very much for these things so interesting.
Thanks Poland
Thank you very much for everything
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Package from Spain to Poland
Package from Spain to Czech Republic
"Semana Santa" (Easter in Seville)
Here you have a video about Easter in Seville.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Swimming coin
To our experiment we need a bowl of water and a coin. We want to show you that mettalic coin can hang on the water surface. We put the coin onto the water.
Why it doesn't sink like majority of mettalic things?
It doesn't sink, because cohesion force is big enough to keep the coin on the water surface.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Stripping the egg without touching it
I pour vinegar into a glass and put inside an uncooked egg. After 24 hours I take out this egg. We can see, that this egg hasn't got a shell now and is soft. It is bouncing now.
A calcium is in the egg’s shell. (there is a calcium carbonate, witch makes, that the shell is hard and brittle at the same time). Under the influence of vinegar formed compound and calcium is washed. So vinegar reacts with the calcium- vinegar dissolves calcium. On the egg remains only a membrane, witch the vinegar doesn’t dissolve.
by Żaneta&Kinga
Thursday, March 11, 2010
An Andalusia TV channel visits our school
Monday, March 8, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Paper chromatography
Paper chromatography is an analytical chemistry technique for separating and identifying mixtures that are or can be coloured, especially pigments. This can also be used in secondary or primary colours in ink experiments.
To make our experiment we need paper, some colored ink, a glass of water, salt and alcohol.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
HOMEMADE FIRE EXTINGUER (Un extintor casero)
The materials we need are:
-Bicarbonate of sodium
-A glass
-A candle
Place in a glass a bit of vinegar, three or four centimetres
Add a little bicarbonate of sodium,many bubbles appear.
If we light a match and put it in the glass, it will be put out instantaneously.
If we incline the glass on a candle,without spilling the vinegar, we will see that the candle is put out.
The chemical reaction between the bicarbonate of sodium and the acid of the vinegar produces a gas called dioxide of carbon.
This gas weights more than the air so that it remains in the glass displacing the contained air in the glass.When putting the match in the glass it is put out, due to the lack of oxygen (necessary for the combustion)
When we incline the glass on a candle this is put out because the dioxide of carbon falling on the candle displaces the oxigen that maintains the combustion.
En español:
Nuestro experimento se llama un Extintor casero.
Los materiales que nosotros necesitamos son:
-bicarbonato de sodio
-un vaso
-una vela
Coloca en un vaso un poco de vinagre (tres o cuatro centímetros )
Añadimos un poco de bicarbonato de sodio. Muchas burbujas aparecen
Si metemos una cerilla encendida en el vaso se apagara al instante.
Cuando nosotros inclinamos el vaso sin derramar vinagre,nosotros podremos ver que la vela se apaga.
La reacción química entre el bicarbonato de sodio y el ácido del vinagre produce un gas llamado dióxido de carbono.
Este gas es mas pesado que el aire por lo que permanece en el vaso desplazando el aire contenido en el vaso. Al meter la cerilla en el vaso se apaga por la falta de oxígeno(necesario para la combustión)
Cuando nosotros inclinamos el vaso sobre la vela, esta se apaga porque el dióxido de carbono cae sobre la vela desplazando el oxígeno que mantiene la combustión.
Marta y Pilar
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Spanish TV channel visits our school
Saturday, February 20, 2010
How to make refractory paper?
To our experiment we need:
metal cup, piece of paper and lighter.
Heat is transfered from paper belt to metal cup. That's why paper can not reach ignition temperature.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Combustion of a candle (Combustión de una vela)
A soup bowl
A candle
A narrow glass
We fill the plate with water
We light the candle and put into the plate so that the glass doesn´t touch the flame
We place a glass on the candle. We wait for a moment and we see that the flame goes out, and them comes into the water in the glass.
When we light the candle, it produces a combustion reaction: the wax of the candle reacts with the oxygen of the air and produces carbon dioxide and water steam. We can see that inside of the glass appear a few drops of water. It is the water steam produced in the combustion of a candle that is condensed in the walls of the containers.
In the reaction the gas is consumed, the oxygen that forms a part of the air, but other two are formed, the carbon dioxide and the water steam. The volume of the gas produced, is smaller than the volume of the oxygen that is consumed.
The results is that in the interior of the glass the pressure is reduced and because of that the water goes up until the interior pressure is reduced and because of that the water goes up until the interior pressure is equal to the interior one
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Vinegar&baking soda
We pour vinegar into a bottle and fill the balloon with baking soda. Then we're stretching a balloon on the bottle and turn it up side down. The balloon grows up by itself. In this experiment carbon dioxide is created.
Next we let it into the bottle. The burning match will dejeckt in this bottle, because there isn't any oxygen.
So when we remove the carbon dioxide from the bottle, the match will burn because there is oxygen inside now.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Flying cork
To ours experiment we need a water, a stand, a cork, a test tube and a burner. We pour water into the tube and dose it with a cork. Then we put this on a stand and burner under it. We heat the water. The cork fires out because steam in tube pushes the cork under high pressure.
Potential Energy - Powered Car
Soap-Powered Boat
2.Cut a small slot in the rear of the boat for the engine. That's where the fuel (the dishwashing soap) will go.
3.Float the boat in the container of water.
4.Pour a few drops of dishwashing soap in the engine and watch it go.
Why did the boat move? The attraction between water particles at the water's surface produces surface tension. This gives the surface a skin-like quality. Think of this thin skin-like quality like a balloon. Adding liquid soap is like popping the balloon. You break the surface tension; the thin "skin" breaks and pulls away to the sides. If there's something floating on these water particles, like the boat, it goes along for the ride. After the whole "skin" breaks the boat sinks.
Snow and salt
The temperature of the snow has gone down. The salt destroy the crystals of snow and makes them melt. Lots of heat is needed to melt the snow. It is taken from everything around. That´s why the temperature drops.
Water rose
Ice hook
Take a match, lay it across the ice and try to lift the ice up with the match.
Lay the match on the ice again and scatter a pinch of salt over the match.
Count to 10 and lift the match.
Salt water does not freeze as easily as ordinary water, and scattering salt on ice makes it melt. When a substance melts, heat is consumed at the same time. This heat is taken from the moisture under the match, where no salt fell, in this case – and it freezes.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
ETwinning Conference 2010
Four partners of our project were invited to the conference: Claudia (Romania), Irena (Lithuania), Vladimíra (Czech Republic) and Manuel (Spain). It is unfortunate that Elżbieta (Poland) could not be in the Conference. Maybe next year.
Perhaps our students may encounter one day. It would be great.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
How to do invisible ink?
It happens because hydrogen contained in the lemon juice, affixed to a piece of paper under the influence of fire reacts and stained with brown.
Flotabilidad y equilibrio (Floatage and balance)
First we put the marbles at the bottom of the glass bottle and we put the cork over. We put the cover and we put the boatinto the water. When can check that the bottle fleets and keep the balance.
We repeated the experiment just viceverse and we can check that the bottle fleets but doesn´t keep the balance.
The glass boat fleet in all cases because its weight (P) is equal to its push(E).
Respect to the balance we should notice the situation of weight and push
When we put the marbles at the bottom the centre of gravity is so down. When the boat inclines it´s generates a couple of strength which makes the boat keep the balance.
When we put the pieces of white cork at the bottom the centre of gravity is so high. When the boat inclines it´s generates a couple of strength which makes the boat doesn´t keep the balance
The more down we put the centre of gravity the more blanced.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Máquina de ondas (Macchina di onde)
- Cinquanta stecchini di legno di venticinque centimetri ognuno
- Elástico di un metro e mezzo approssimativamente
L´esperimento consiste in unire gli stecchini all elastico a una distanza di tre cuattro centimetri ognuno. Al darli un colpo a uno degli stecchini dei laterali ottendremo che tutti gli stecchini riceveranno la onda vibratoria del colpo inziale e cosi formeranno una reaccion de cadena.
- 50 palillos de madera de 50 cm cada uno
- Un elástico de un metro y medio aproximadamente
El experimento consiste en unir los palillos al elástico a una distancia de 3 ó 4 centímetros cada uno. Al darle un golpe a uno de los palillos de los extremos obtendremos que todos los palillos recibirán la onda vibratoria del golpe inicial y se formará una reacción en cadena.