Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Flotabilidad y equilibrio (Floatage and balance)

To make our experiment we need a glass bottle, marbles, pieces of white cork and a recipient with water.

First we put the marbles at the bottom of the glass bottle and we put the cork over. We put the cover and we put the boatinto the water. When can check that the bottle fleets and keep the balance.

We repeated the experiment just viceverse and we can check that the bottle fleets but doesn´t keep the balance.

The glass boat fleet in all cases because its weight (P) is equal to its push(E).

Respect to the balance we should notice the situation of weight and push

When we put the marbles at the bottom the centre of gravity is so down. When the boat inclines it´s generates a couple of strength which makes the boat keep the balance.

When we put the pieces of white cork at the bottom the centre of gravity is so high. When the boat inclines it´s generates a couple of strength which makes the boat doesn´t keep the balance

The more down we put the centre of gravity the more blanced.

by Fernando and Enrique


  1. Perhaps a little long but very well explained.

  2. jajaja very good experiment xD

  3. Congratulations! You´ve been the first to break the ice with this new experience for you. I´m really surprised with Fernando´s abilities and Enrique´s skills.
    Carry on with the possibilities e-twinning gives you.
    Your teacher

  4. Carlos Lafita said:
    Is a very good experiment to begin the e-twinnig´s project. They have done it very well for to be the first, so we learn physics and chemistry by a funny way.

  5. Maria Laguna said:
    The experiments is very well and I can´t understand all! Congratulations!

  6. An incredible experiment! It´s very nice the presentation but the blackboard isn´t seen.
    Thank you for your work.

  7. Good job guys! I really like the experiment and I think you did it very well ;)

  8. we are the best! maria you are very lol
    enrique gavira

  9. Cristina, Paula y Susana:
    It was a very interesting experiment! We laught a lot because they are very funny.

  10. ricardo and enrique o: wonderful but when they were doing it they were so nervious.Congratulations enrique and fernando,good work!!!

  11. Pool and Josete said:
    The experiment was funny but the best is the clothe´s exchange of Enrique in the video.
